redtop panicgrass pa ecotype. 0%. redtop panicgrass pa ecotype

0%redtop panicgrass pa ecotype  Find the exact seeds you need for your project using the advanced search and filtering options of our Seed Finder Tool:21

FAC (Facultative, 34-66%) indicates roughly equal probabilites of finding the species growing. (Giant Bur Reed, PA Ecotype) 12. Green Milkweed* Asclepias viridiflora x x x x x Calico Aster Aster lateriflorus x x x x x New England Aster Aster novae-angliae x x x Deer like this species Aromatic Aster Aster oblongifolius x x Limestone sites only Late Purple Aster Aster patens x x x x Heath Aster Aster pilosus x x x x x Zigzag Aster Aster prenanthoides x x x x x Purplestem Aster Aster. Penstemon digitalis. combsii — ID 59315 Symbol Key PARIC Common Name Combs panicgrass Family Poaceae Category Monocot Division Magnoliophyta US Nativity Native to U. 0% Verbena hastata, PA Ecotype (Blue Vervain, PA Ecotype) 3. 20 2. 0% Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype. (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype)26. 20 % Asclepias incarnata, PA Ecotype Swamp Milkweed, PA Ecotype 177. 00 % Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype 28. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. 0% Chamaecrista fasciculata, PA Ecotype (Partridge Pea, PA Ecotype)5. PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. 0% Elymus virginicus, PA Ecotype (Virginia. PA Ecotype $ 192. 0% Carex scoparia, PA Ecotype (Blunt Broom Sedge, PA Ecotype) Meadville, PA 16335 (800) 873-3321 Fax (814) 336-5191 Date: November 21, 2023 GA Piedmont FACW Mix - ERNMX-509 Botanical Name Common Name Price/Lb 27. 00 % Chamaecrista fasciculata, PA Ecotype Partridge Pea, PA Ecotype 7. Contact Form. 0% Juncus effusus 2. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. 00 % Rudbeckia hirta Blackeyed Susan 31. 1% path rush, pa ecotype (juncus tenuis, pa ecotype) total: 100% use ernst conservation seeds company retention basin floor mix or equal. Flat Pea. 00 2. 0% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 30. 00. 0% Panicum virgatum, NJ Ecotype (Switchgrass, NJ Ecotype) 3. 03 0. 2023. one or both glumes are as long or longer than all of the florets. 50 % Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 57. Newsletter. 00 % Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype River Oats, WV Ecotype 96. Green. com. 0% Agrostis perennans, Albany. 4% Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype (River Oats, WV Ecotype) 0. 1990. Herbaceous Plants . 5% Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype (River Oats, WV Ecotype)10. 0% Carex lurida, PA Ecotype (Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype) 11. 20 3. 6037. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 57. Individual Seed Species. 60 15. 20 15. 25. 00 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype 67. 00 % Chamaecrista fasciculata, PA Ecotype Partridge Pea, PA Ecotype 7. Panicum anceps beaked panicgrass (MD ecotype) 4 FAC- part shade/shade 10 to 60 Dicanthelium clandestinum deer tongue 2 FACW sun/part shade 10 to 60 Panicum rigidulum red-top panicgrass (NC ecotype) 3. The culms are light green to straw-colored, hairless, terete to slightly flattened, and unbranched. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. 00 % Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype 216. 0% Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype (River Oats, WV Ecotype) 3. 00 1. 80 20. 10. Quick Links. 00 3. 60 3. 10. 50 % Desmodium. 0% Chasmanthium latifolium,. 022 0. 45 4. 40 2. 0% Panicum clandestinum, Tioga (Deertongue, Tioga) 5. 0% Juncus tenuis, PA Ecotype (Path Rush, PA Ecotype) 1. 0% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 5. 005 0. 00 % Elymus virginicus, PA Ecotype. 00 3. 36 5. 0% Carex lurida, PA Ecotype (Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype) 18. 20 Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype. 00 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype 67. 0% Carex scoparia, PA Ecotype (Blunt Broom Sedge, PA Ecotype) 8. 00 % Heliopsis helianthoides, PA Ecotype Oxeye Sunflower, PA Ecotype 33. 26. PA Ecotype Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod, PA Ecotype 264. Carex alopecoideaMexican petunia ( Ruellia simplex ) is a commonly planted herbaceous ornamental known for densely invading floodplain forests in the southeastern United States. 0% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 9. 96 1. 80 3. 80 % Elymus virginicus, AR Ecotype Virginia Wildrye, AR Ecotype 9. 5% Carex lupulina, PA Ecotype (Hop Sedge, PA Ecotype) 8. Relationships: Used as a host plant for Delaware Skipper. and PA New Er and stabilizes the s10F with a mixture of lope Mix w/Annual Ryt ofiles. 20 4. 18. 00 % Chamaecrista fasciculata, PA Ecotype Partridge Pea, PA. 00 % Panicum anceps, Eastern Shore MD Ecotype Beaked Panicgrass, Eastern Shore MD Ecotype 43. 00 % Elymus virginicus, PA Ecotype Virginia Wildrye, PA Ecotype 8. 00 % Elymus virginicus, Madison-NY Ecotype Virginia Wildrye, Madison-NY Ecotype 10. com. 80Item Number: ERNMX-843. 00 % Elymus virginicus, Madison-NY Ecotype Virginia Wildrye, Madison-NY Ecotype 10. While the formula may change, the guiding philosophy and function of the mix will not. 60 19. 00 % Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype 28. 60 3. 0% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 4. 60 24. 00 % Elymus virginicus, Madison-NY Ecotype Virginia Wildrye, Madison-NY Ecotype 10. hallii) is a wild perennial grass that has been developed as a model to study perennial grass biology and adaptive evolution. 2013 Price List - Ernst Conservation Seeds21. Foxtail sedge. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 57. PA Ecotype Fringed Sedge, PA Ecotype 216. 00% - Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype | Redtop Panicgrass 3. 0% Carex albolutescens, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype (Greenwhite Sedge, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype)10. 0% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 4. 0% Juncus tenuis, PA Ecotype (Path Rush, PA Ecotype) 1. 60 3. Facts. 00 17. 80 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. 8% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 12. 60 11. OBL (Obligate Wetland, >99% probability) and UPL (Obligate Upland, <1% probability) represent the extremes. 63 10. stipitatum), pa ecotype) 16% virginia wildrye, pa ecotype (elymus virginicus, pa ecotype) 16% alkaligrass, 'fults' (puccinellia distans, 'fults') 15% fowl bluegrass (poa palustris) 10% creeping bentgrass (agrostis stolonifera) 10% ticklegrass (rough bentgrass), pa ecotype (agrostis scabra. Blazingstar (Liatris scariosa), Redtop Panicgrass (Panicum rigidulum), Few-flower Nutrush (Scleria pauciflora), Eastern Silvery Aster (Symphyotrichum concolor), Purple NeedlegrassPANICGRASS Life Plantae Monocotyledoneae Poaceae:. Meadville, PA 16335 (800) 873-3321 Fax (814) 336-5191 Date: November 22, 2023 VA Southern Blue Ridge Retention Basin Mix - ERNMX-843 Botanical Name Common Name Price/Lb 28. 028 0. 09 3. 0% Elymus virginicus, PA Ecotype (Virginia Wildrye, PA Ecotype) 23. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 57. OBL (Obligate Wetland, >99% probability) and UPL (Obligate Upland,. 6% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 9. - Schiffner's panicgrass P: Panicum schinzii Hack. 60 2. Meadville, PA 16335 (800) 873-3321 Fax (814) 336-5191 Date: November 15, 2023 NJ Salt Tolerant Basin Mix - ERNMX-900 Botanical Name Common Name Price/Lb 26. 36. For livestock, it can serve as a feed source as it is palatable and easily digestible. 43 2. Records: There are 62 records in the project database. 0% Panicum clandestinum, Tioga (Deertongue, Tioga) 5. 0% Elymus virginicus, PA Ecotype Virginia Wildrye, PA Ecotype 2. Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Poaceae, part 2. 00 % Carex scoparia, PA Ecotype Blunt Broom Sedge, PA Ecotype 81. 00% – Heliopsis helianthoides, PA Ecotype | Oxeye Sunflower; 1. (Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype) 15. 10. 12. 00 % Senna hebecarpa, VA & WV Ecotype Wild Senna, VA & WV Ecotype 28. 0% Elymus virginicus, Madison-NY Ecotype (Virginia Wildrye, Madison-NY Ecotype) 7. 0% Elymus virginicus, PA Ecotype. 5 - 1 Bushy Broomsedge Andropogon glomeratus Common 0. 15. 50 % 0. 40. 00% - Heliopsis helianthoides, PA Ecotype | Oxeye Sunflower 1. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. 80 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. 7. 00 % Panicum clandestinum, Tioga Deertongue, Tioga 22. Pennsylvania sedge Carex platyphylla broadleaf sedge Carex retroflexa reflexed sedge Carex siccata dryspike sedge Carex sparganioides bur-reed sedge FACU, FAC+. 5% Asclepias incarnata, PA Ecotype (Swamp Milkweed, PA Ecotype) 5. 0% Sorghastrum nutans, PA Ecotype. 25% redtop panicgrass, pa ecotype (panicum rigidulum (p. 00 % Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype River Oats, WV Ecotype 96. Philadelphia panicgrass Panicum rigidulum redtop panicgrass Panicum verrucosum warty panicgrass Panicum virgatum switchgrass UPL, FACW Paronychia canadensis smooth forked nailwortHerbaceous Plants . 0% Carex lurida, PA Ecotype (Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype) 13. 00 % Carex scoparia, PA Ecotype Blunt Broom Sedge, PA Ecotype 81. Places to Visit this Habitat: Species of Concern (G1-G4): Associated Species:. redtop panicgrass Classification; Kingdom: Plantae - Plants: Subkingdom: Tracheobionta - Vascular plants: Superdivision: Spermatophyta - Seed plants: Division: Magnoliophyta -. Redtop Hotel. Vol. Mix Composition. 0% Aster umbellatus, PA Ecotype Flat Topped White Aster, PA Ecotype 2. While the formula may change, the guiding philosophy and function of the mix will not. 60 2. 0% Carex lurida, PA Ecotype (Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype) 4. 8% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 18. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 15. 60 12. 34. Email: [email protected] Fax: (814) 336-5191 Payment: We accept VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, and AMERICAN EXPRESS. 0% Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype (Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype) 5. 00 5. Individual Seed Species. 0% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 12. Range & Habitat: The native Redtop Panic Grass (Coleataenia rigidula) is occasional in southern Illinois, uncommon in central Illinois, and rare or absent in northern Illinois (see. 4526. PA Ecotype New York Ironweed, PA Ecotype 264. PROFESSIONAL ENCIN LOPE ION PROPOSED STABILIZAI (see note 112. PA Ecotype Virginia Wildrye, PA Ecotype 10. 00 % Juncus effusus Soft Rush 48. 022 0. Provided by ARS Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory. 20 Add to cart; Add to Wishlist. Hall's panicgrass (Panicum hallii, P. POACEAE: Wild-rice : Zizania aquatica: 1946: Asiatic wild-rice : Zizania latifolia* 1941 : Rice cut-grass : Leersia oryzoides: 1937,1966: White grass : Leersia virginicaRedtop panicgrass. 60 4. 0% Chamaecrista fasciculata, PA Ecotype (Partridge Pea, PA Ecotype) 2. 80 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. Find the exact seeds you need for your project using the advanced search and filtering options of our Seed Finder Tool:What is a Wetland? The US Army Corps of Engineers and US Environmental Protection Agency define a wetland as: Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surfaceet&c et&c et&c et&c et&c et&c et&c et&c et&c et&c et&c et&c et&c et&c et&c et&c et&c et&cet&c et&cet&cet&cet&cet&cet&cet&cet&c et&c et&c et&c et&c et&c et&c et&c et&c. 022 0. 40 27. 50 % Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype 216. 001 2 to 3 wildflower Perennial Rudbeckia fulgida VA EcotypeOrange Coneflower 0. 60 9. Categories: Native Grasses, Wetlands. 60 2. Shipping to US addresses only. Species:Redtop Panicgrass Panicum rigidulum Common 0. 5 Grass Perennial Agrostis perennans APB-NY EcotypeAutumn Bentgrass, PA & APB-NY Ecotype 0. 20 10. 60. Meadville, PA 16335 (800) 873-3321 Fax (814) 336-5191 Date: November 15, 2023 NJ Salt Tolerant Basin Mix - ERNMX-900 Botanical Name Common Name Price/Lb 26. So/idagojuncea, PA Ecotype Monarda fistu/osa, PA Ecotype Pycnanthemum tenuifo/ium Rain Garden Mix - ERNMX-180 Common Name River Oats, PANA Ecotype blend Virginia Wildrye, PA Ecotype Fowl Bluegrass Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype Purple Coneflower Smooth Blue Aster, NY Ecotype Blackeyed Susan, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Ohio. 224 LB PLS PANANC01 Beaked Panicgrass, Eastern Shore MD Ecotype 0. 00 % Mix Price/Lb Bulk: $42. REDTOP HOTEL CONVENTION CENTER $39 ($̶8̶1̶) Updated 2023 Prices Reviews Jakarta, Indonesia. 25. Highly d. 0% Verbena hastata, PA Ecotype (Blue Vervain, PA Ecotype)12. 16. 16. 0% Carex lurida, PA Ecotype. 60. 60 9. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 57. 00 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype 67. 0% Heliopsis helianthoides, PA Ecotype Oxeye Sunflower, PA Ecotype 2. 0% Elymus virginicus, PA Ecotype (Virginia Wildrye, PA Ecotype) 10. They are often large, annual or perennial grasses, growing to 1–3 m (3–10 ft) tall. 0% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 3. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. 00 % Carex scoparia, PA Ecotype Blunt Broom Sedge, PA. 0% Chamaecrista fasciculata, PA Ecotype (Partridge Pea, PA Ecotype)28. 00 Add to cart; Contact Us. 855‐752‐6862 [email protected], PA 16335 (800) 873-3321 Fax (814) 336-5191 Date: November 11, 2023 NC Retention Basin Mix - ERNMX-309. Panicum flexile (Gattinger) Scribn. PA Ecotype Wild Bergamot, Fort Ir New York Ironweed, P Common Sneezeweed,. A. 60 15. 0% Carex scoparia, PA. 70 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype 67. Discover Life's page about the biology, natural history, ecology, identification and distribution of Panicum - Panicgrass -- Discover Lifestarved panicgrass Dichanthelium dichotomum cypress panicgrass FAC-, FAC Dichanthelium latifolium broadleaf rosette grass Diervilla lonicera northern bush honeysuckle Dioscorea villosa wild yam Diospyros virginiana common persimmon Dirca palustris eastern leatherwood Doellingeria infirma cornel-leaf whitetop Dryopteris ×boottii Dryopteris. 10. Social. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. 50 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype 67. 0% Rudbeckia hirta (Blackeyed Susan) 2. 0% Elymus virginicus, AR Ecotype (Virginia Wildrye, AR Ecotype) 15. 00 % Panicum virgatum, NJ Ecotype Switchgrass, NJ Ecotype 14. 00 5. 00 % Elymus virginicus, PA Ecotype Virginia Wildrye, PA Ecotype 10. 0. 0% Heliopsis helianthoides, PA Ecotype (Oxeye Sunflower, PA Ecotype) 2. 00 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype 67. 2–13 mm. PA Ecotype Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod, PA Ecotype 264. 0% Vernonia noveboracensis, PA Ecotype New York Ironweed, PA Ecotype 1. 5% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 4. Agrostis alba $ 12. Eastern Time. Mix formulations are subject to change without notice depending on the availability of existing and new products. 5% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 5. 60 6. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. 60 20. 20 2. 0% Elymus virginicus, AR Ecotype (Virginia Wildrye, AR Ecotype) 15. 24. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. 20 20. 0% Panicum. 60 20. 00 3. 80 5. 20. 0% Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype (Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype) 3. 00 % Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype 28. 00 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype 67. 40 3. 00 % Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype 28. 10. Digging Sod: 1. 0% Elymus virginicus, Madison-NY Ecotype (Virginia Wildrye, Madison-NY Ecotype) 20. 0% Panicum virgatum, 'Carthage', NC Ecotype (Switchgrass,. seed mix germinates Hydroseed the slope v Inc. (Deertongue, Tioga) 12. 00 % Carex crinita, PA Ecotype Fringed Sedge, PA Ecotype 216. Spikelet length. 0% Elymus virginicus, AR Ecotype (Virginia Wildrye, AR Ecotype) 14. 80 3. 3% Lobelia siphilitica, PA Ecotype (Great Blue Lobelia, PA Ecotype) 0. 00 % Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype 28. Meadville, PA 16335 (800) 873-3321 [email protected]% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 12. The morphological diversity of the inflorescence determines flower and seed production, which is critical for plant adaptation. Panicum anceps, NC Ecotype Beaked Panicgrass, NC Ecotype Bunchgrass; provides food and cover for wildlife; forage is of good value for cattle; seeds are eaten by upland birds. 5% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 4. 00 % Heliopsis helianthoides, PA Ecotype Oxeye Sunflower, PA Ecotype 33. 00 % Carex frankii, PA Ecotype Frank's. 028 0. (Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype)20. 45While the formula may change, the guiding philosophy and function of the mix will not. 02 . 00 % Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype River Oats, WV Ecotype 96. 60 15. Herbaceous Plants . Add to Wishlist. Panicum rigidulum, Redtop Panic Grass: Click on map for details about points. Item Number: ERNMX-511. 20 13. 08 10. 0% Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype) 15. 30 % 0. Add to Project. 00 % Carex scoparia, PA Ecotype Blunt Broom Sedge, PA Ecotype 81. 0% Agrostis hyemalis, Piedmont NC Ecotype (Winter Bentgrass, Piedmont NC Ecotype) 2. 0% Agrostis perennans, Albany. For livestock, it can serve as a feed source as it is palatable and easily digestible. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. 304 10. 72 Add to cart; Add to Wishlist. Newsletter. 00 1. 00 % Mix Price/Lb Bulk: $32. Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype. 00 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype 67. 0% Carex albolutescens, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype (Greenwhite Sedge, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype) 18. 50 % Asclepias incarnata, PA Ecotype Swamp Milkweed, PA Ecotype 177. 6% Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype)26. 0% Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype (River Oats, WV Ecotype) 3. 40 2. 00 100. 0% Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype (Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype) 16. 2% autumn bentgrass, pa ecotype (agrostis perennans, pa ecotype) 1% path rush, pa ecotype (juncus tenuis, pa ecotype) total: 100% use ernst conservation seeds company retention basin floor mix or equal. Meadville, PA 16335 (800) 873-3321 [email protected] % Juncus. Species: Meadville, PA 16335 (800) 873-3321 Fax (814) 336-5191 Date: November 17, 2023 FL Wet Meadow Mix - ERNMX-600 Botanical Name Common Name Price/Lb 45. 00 % Panicum anceps, Eastern Shore MD Ecotype Beaked Panicgrass, Eastern Shore MD Ecotype 43. 0% Agrostis perennans, Albany Pine Bush-NY Ecotype (Autumn Bentgrass, Albany Pine Bush-NY Ecotype) 2. Flora of North America North of Mexico. 00 % Helenium flexuosum, VA Ecotype Purplehead Sneezeweed, VA Ecotype 144. - land grass. long, stalked, tiny hairs at stalk-top 10. ED-USE BUILDING, RKING. 0% Panicum clandestinum, Tioga (Deertongue, Tioga) 3. Leaving dormant stems up provides excellent over-wintering. Glume relative length. (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype)15. 00 % Carex scoparia, PA Ecotype Blunt Broom Sedge, PA Ecotype 81. 0% Panicum anceps, SC Ecotype (Beaked Panicgrass, SC Ecotype) 5. 00 % Senna hebecarpa, VA & WV Ecotype Wild Senna, VA & WV Ecotype 28. (Indiangrass, PA Ecotype) 20. 0% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 6. 00 % Elymus virginicus, PA Ecotype Virginia Wildrye, PA Ecotype 10. 00 12. 5. OBL (Obligate Wetland, >99% probability) and UPL (Obligate Upland, <1% probability) represent the extremes. In a study examining the performance of tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus) bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon), yellow bluestem (Bothriochloa ischemum), and coastal panicgrass. 28. 0% Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype (River Oats, WV Ecotype) 5. Join Mailing List. 8% Elymus virginicus, AR Ecotype (Virginia Wildrye, AR Ecotype) 11. com. 00 % Agrostis hyemalis, Piedmont NC Ecotype Winter Bentgrass, Piedmont NC Ecotype 26. 00 % Panicum anceps, Eastern Shore MD Ecotype Beaked Panicgrass, Eastern Shore MD. 00 % Juncus effusus Soft Rush 48. 20 20. 45 Meadville, PA 16335 (800) 873-3321 Fax (814) 336-5191 Date: November 21, 2023 SC Coastal Plain FACW Mix - ERNMX-402 Botanical Name Common Name Price/Lb 40. 00 % Verbena hastata, PA Ecotype Blue Vervain, PA Ecotype 38. (Virginia Wildrye, PA Ecotype) 12. 00. stipitatum), pa ecotype) 16% virginia wildrye, pa ecotype (elymus virginicus, pa ecotype) 16% alkaligrass, 'fults' (puccinellia distans, 'fults') 15% fowl bluegrass (poa palustris) 10% creeping bentgrass (agrostis stolonifera) 10% ticklegrass (rough bentgrass), pa ecotype (agrostis scabra.